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//How to disable IPV6 at Free, to gain speed to ipTV
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The first method is to disable it via your free subscriber space and can be used for a box v5 or a v6. The second method allows you to switch your box IPv6 interface Freebox OS, this method is valid for Freebox Revolution and Mini 4K.

Method 1: Via the Free Subscriber Area:

See you on your subscriber area Free and fill in your username and your password:
Then go to the section “Ma Freebox” in the menu on the left of the screen. Here, several options will be offered to you the one we are interested in “Switch to IPv6”.
Après avoir sélectionné cette option, il vous suffira de choisir “non” pour l’option “Support IPV6” afin de le désactiver:

Method 2: via the Freebox OS interface (for Freebox Revolution and Mini 4K) :

Connect to your Freebox OS interface, make sure that the“advanced mode” is activated then, select “Freebox settings”.
Then in the section “Internet connection”, click on “Configuration IPv6”. A window will open, you will just have to uncheck the box “Activer l’IPv6” to disable the option.
2023-04-07T04:01:32+02:00November 12th, 2018|Tutos|