If you are at Free, you have probably noticed cuts and beug at night from 18h until late hours of the night, this problem is not because of our IPTV server, it is Free that makes a flow clamping, you can test the flow on the site : fast.com the moment you have the breaks or test with a good 4G connection.
Why the site fast.com and not another site?
Because fast.com is a Netflix powered site that is at war with some of the operators who are doing iptv feed bridging, the best known of these operators is Free.
To overcome this problem and take full advantage of your IPTV subscription, you have the choice between two solutions:
1- Disable ipv6 from your Freebox, to know how to do it click here .
2- Change operator and move to SFR, Orange or Bouygues .
2- Go behind a VPN.
Here are some suggestions of VPN that can fix this problem of breaks and flow clamping:
Express VPN which is perfect but paying (7 days free trial): www.expressvpn.com
Try tunel bear which is free : https://www.tunnelbear.com/
These VPNs are available on PC, Android, iOs, try to change the IP and test on fast.com until the moment you have a good flow and try to connect after your iptv application.
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